In this intensive course (limited to 4 participants) you will receive a firm foundation in both Kalarippayat and Kalari Chikitsa to a level at which you will feel both competent and confident to practice independently.
In this intensive course (limited to 4 participants) you will receive a firm foundation in both Kalarippayat and Kalari Chikitsa to a level at which you will feel both competent and confident to practice independently.
You will gain a solid understanding of the theoretical background and scientific explanation as to why Kalari is an effective system of training , treatment and rehabilitation and be well prepared to advance onto the upcoming teacher assistant course. You will also learn how to treat acute injuries using Kalari techniques, including sprains, strains and both muscle and joint pain.
The Kalari training will take place mornings and evenings, up to 2 hours per session.
We will be training for 6 days a week – the day of rest is important in preventing a build up of lactic acid in the body and to allow your fascia to rehydrate.
Each day we will have 1.5hr practical session on Kalari treatment in which you will observe , assist and learn how to give simple treatments to yourself and others.
Over the 30 days you will receive a thorough explanation of all the theoretical concepts behind Kalari. You will also be given a clear underpinning in all the recent scientific discoveries that are starting to validate Kalari in terms of the Neuromyofascial web the flow of electricity within the body.